Five signs you need to end your relationship

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Some people you date can seem like the nicest person. But just because they are nice does not mean that they are right.

Recognising signs early on can save you from making a mistake, from losing focus and motivation. Life is about being able to enjoy it on your own and with other people, independence is something that needs to be more valued. My friend once told me you can't be with someone who needs you in their life, you need someone that values and loves themselves, someone who is perfectly fine to be by themselves, you need to add to someones life not to be the entire world, universe or air in their life.

So here we go 5 signs not to ignore...

  1. Everything they do annoys you, you get annoyed and irritated over EVERYTHING they do (even breathing). Being with someone means that you accept them for who they are, if you can't stand all of their imperfections you might want to think of ending it. Sometimes people go through phases where they might not like their other half, but that should not last forever. Gotta call it quits at some point. 
  2. You do not want them to give you affection anymore, them wanting to show you affection makes you feel repulsed, that hunny is not a good sign. 
  3. You feel like its a chore to do things for them, hang out with them or see them. 
  4. Any mention or notification of them or from them makes you want to pull your hair out. If you do not like talking about them or answering questions about them, do you really like them? 
  5. You would rather think about someone else or talk to someone else. 
These signs may be pretty self explanatory but most relationships are about trying to make it work, you will be surprised how far you can get just by trying to make it work. Many people are scared to leave someone because they won't find someone else or they won't know how to be single, however, their are thousands of people out there and you will find someone else, but the best ones come when you aren't looking for them. 

Whatever reason you have for reading this post I hope you come to a decision and I hope you come out happier and more positive than ever. 

Always supporting and voting for you.

Josephine Beth-xx

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